Crufts 2018
March 10th 2018
Mrs K Macara (Cromasaig)
It all started two days before, when we stayed at a gorgeous hotel, where the waitress thought I was lovely. The following day, we went to see Nannie Angie, again and she was doing the 'grooming' thing again. I was rather fidgety and she said, "Grrrrrr!" and so after that, I stood really still!
Again, we stayed at Auntie Bex's before making our way to the NEC. We had to get up REALLY early. This time there was no snow but it was VERY busy. There was so much noise, thousands of people and dogs, and my mummy was VERY excited too as there were so many shops! Daddy said, "Mmmmm!!"
There were 7 dogs in my class, which is more than I have ever known. However, it was too busy to get bored. I did my stuff and my Nannies and Grandads were all watching and taking photographs with my daddy. I must have done something right as I got a big diamond shaped green certificate.
Mummy was very happy and then we went shopping! So many people stopped to stroke me, it was fantastic.